Document | Summary | Author | Date | Copyright |
Master thesis at the Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien on the Topic of „Die Geschichte der Doppelklöster, des Prämonstratenserordens und der Stiftung Geras-Pernegg“ (The history of double monasteries, the Premonstratensians and Geras-Pernegg). The work was academically advised by Univ. Doz. Dr. Adelheid Krah and is written the German language. |
Mag. Elke Ferderbar | 27-Jul-2012 | Mag. Elke Ferderbar | |
Master thesis at the Institut für Geschichte der Universität Wien on the Topic of „Die Geschichte der Doppelklöster, des Prämonstratenserordens und der Stiftung Geras-Pernegg“ (The history of double monasteries, the Premonstratensians and Geras-Pernegg). The work was academically advised by Univ. Doz. Dr. Adelheid Krah and is written the German language. |
Elke Ferderbar | 23-Jul-2012 | Elke Ferderbar | |
Magisterarbeit von Mag. phil. Alexandra Wieser zum erfolgreichen Abschluss des Magisterstudiums Geschichtswissenschaft, hist. Hilfswissenschaft und Archivwissenschaft. | Mag. phil. Alexandra Wieser | 26-Feb-2013 | Mag. phil. Alexandra Wieser | |
article on the Topotheque in Austria's weekly "DIE FURCHE", author: Elke Hausensteiner | Elke Hausensteiner | 18-May-2017 | ICARUS | |
This is an interview (in German) with the founder of the topotheque - Mag. Alexander Schatek - about what the topotheque is about. | Dr. Dagmar Weidinger | 14-Nov-2014 | Dr. Dagmar Weidinger | |
Mag. Karel Halla of the Státni okresní archiv Cheb talks about "Die tschechischen Archive im Web. Digitale Quellen zur gemeinsamen bayerisch-tschechischen Geschichte" (The Czech archives on the web. Digitized sources for the collective Bavarian-Czech history). The recording was taken at the Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv in Munich. An online version of Mr. Hallas presentation is available on the ICARUS slideshare page. |
Karel Halla | 03-Apr-2012 | ICARUS |