
Document Summary Author Date Copyright
“Du wirst uns noch umbringen mit deinen Texten”, Universum Magazin 3/2016
text on Father Najeeb Michaeel's CNMO in Iraq, his scanning activities and the ICARUS-conference in St. Pölten in November 2016, which lead to the founding of the "Chaldean Heritage Task Force", author: Sabine Edith Braun Sabine Edith Braun 10-Mar-2016 ICARUS
Najeeb “Universium”
Story on Father Najeeb Michaeel's story and cooperation with ICARUS published in the Austrian popular science magazine "Universium" by Sabine Edith Braun. Sabine Edith Braun 06-Mar-2016 Sabine Edith Braun
“Die Suche nach den Wurzeln”, WZ
text on the ICARUS4all late summer-party at Geras Abbey in autumn 2015; especially telling the personal stories of family research of two ICARUS4all members (Otto Amon, Melitta Riegler), Wiener Zeitung, extra, Feb. 20/21, 2016, author: Sabine Edith Braun Sabine Edith Braun 22-Feb-2016 ICARUS
“Pater rettete tausende Dokumente vor dem IS”, ICO Feb.2016
press text on Father Najeeb Michaeel's digitization projects in Iraq and the co-operation with the ICARUS-network fixed in St. Pölten in Nov. 2015; Information Christlicher Orient Nr. 61, Feb. 2016, author: KAP/red. ICO 04-Feb-2016 ICARUS
Forschungsprojekt zur automatisierten Handschriftenerkennung soll Zugang zu historischen Archivdokumenten revolutionieren
Presse release for the first international convention of the EU-funded project "co:op" in cooperation with the project "READ". Title of the convetion "Technology meets Scholarship, or how Handwritten Text Recognition will Revolutionize Access to Archival Collections. With a special focus on biographical data in archives", 19-21 January 2016 at the Hessian State Archives in Marburg (DE). 14-Jan-2016
“Gedächtnislückenfüller”, Niederösterreich Perspektiven, Winter 2015
text on the many topotheques in Lower Austria, Niederösterrich Perspektiven Winter 2015, author: Rainer Hirschkorn Rainer Hirschkorn 05-Jan-2016 ICARUS
“Die Hüter der Schätze”, NÖN 50/2015; 9/12/15
press article on ICARUS helping father Najeeb Michaeel to save and restaure his manuscripts in Iraq (Chaldean heritage work group), NÖN 50/2015; author: Michaela Regenfelder-Fleck Michaela Regenfelder-Fleck 14-Dec-2015 ICARUS
“Manuskripte für die Menschenrechte”, Wiener Zeitung, 5./6.12.2015
press article on fahter Najeeb Michaeel's scanning acitivities in Iraq, the documents he saved and the Chaledean Heritage Work Group established on ICARUS meeting #16 in St. Pölten, Wiener Zeitung, 5./6.12.2015, author: Eva Stanzl Eva Stanzl 14-Dec-2015 ICARUS
Presse release: Rescue of archival documents in Middle East
The ICARUS Network Meeting #16 in St. Pölten (November 23-25) ended with a sensational result: The immediate start of a co-operation with the "Centre Numérique des Manuscrits Orienteaux" (CNMO) in Iraq, led by Dominican Father Najeeb Michaeel. ICARUS 09-Dec-2015 ICARUS