Posts Tagged ‘ Thomas Aigner ’

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Press release “10 Jahre MATRICULA”, Festveranstaltung 2.11.2019, St.Pölten
press release for Austrian media Dagmar Weidinger 22-Oct-2019 ICARUS
“Zeitreise in eine digitale Vergangenheit”, article in “Der Standard”, April 17, 2019
article in Austria's daily newspaper "Der Standard" on the Time Machine Project, author: Doris Griesser Doris Griesser 04-May-2019 ICARUS
“EU-Förderung als Turbo für Ahnenforschung”, Wiener Zeitung article on Time Machine-Project, March 5, 2019
article by Bernhard Baumgartner on the Time Machine-Project. Bernhard Baumgartner 06-Mar-2019 ICARUS
PA Time Machine_Deutsch_März 2019
press release on "Time Machine"-project; translation of EU-press release + text concerning Austria Dagmar Weidinger 06-Mar-2019 ICARUS
“Archivnetzwerk ICARUS feierte zehnjähriges Bestehen”, Kirche bunt
article in the church magazine "Kirche bunt", St. Pölten, 48/2018. author: Sonja Planitzer Sonja Planitzer 23-Nov-2018 ICARUS
“Der Aufbruch in die Welt der Zeitreisen”, DIE FURCHE 45, 2018
article in the Austrian weekly DIE FURCHE dealing with the 10th anniversary of ICARUS and the time machine project, ed. 45/Nov. 8, 2018, author: Martin Tauss. Martin Tauss 12-Nov-2018 ICARUS
“Die Kraft der Ahninnen”
ICARUS mentioned in an article on genealogy in the Austrian magazine "Welt-der-Frauen", 12/2017. Dagmar Weidinger 29-Oct-2018 Dagmar Weidinger
press release: “100 Archive auf einen Blick”, January 11, 2017
press release on the occasion of the 100th topotheque in Großengersdorf in Lower Austria. Dagmar Weidinger 11-Jan-2017 ICARUS
PM: Tag des Denkmals – Topothek Kloster (Klein-)Mariazell, 25.09.2016
press release on the occcasion of the "Day of cultural heritage", on which the Topotheque of the abbey of (Klein-)mariazell will be presented. ICARUS/Weidinger 24-Aug-2016 ICARUS