Search results for 'Magdalena Grenda (Warsaw Rising Museum, PL)':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Report on Pest Management methods used in Polish herbaria and other Polish institutions owning herbaria items- halfway through
This is the abstract to Magdalena Grenda's poster "Report on Pest Management methods used in Polish herbaria and other Polish institutions owning herbaria items- halfway through." presented during the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms", held in St. Pölten from 28.05. to 01.05.2014. Magdalena Grenda (Warsaw Rising Museum, PL) 04-Apr-2014 Magdalena Grenda (Warsaw Rising Museum, PL)
“Topothek und Museum – einer Verbindung mit Zukunft”, Neues Museum, 06/2019
article on the Topotheque project, special focus on international achievements during the co:op project (Hungary, Finlan) and comig partnerships with Lower Austria's "Haus der Geschichte", author: Dagmar Weidinger Dagmar Weidinger 10-May-2019 ICARUS
grenda poster synopsis
“Die Topothek und ihre Bedeutung für die Museumslandschaft in Österreich”, Neues Museum, 03/2017
article in the magazine of the Austrian Museumsbund on the Topotheque focussing on the aspect of voluntary work within the project. Dagmar Weidinger 16-Mar-2017 ICARUS
ICARUS-Meeting Poznań (PL), 06. – 08.06.2011: Programme
This is the overall programme for the ICARUS-Meeting in Poznań (PL) held 06. - 08.06.2011. ICARUS 12-Apr-2012 ICARUS
The influence of the Bookkeeper preparation onto oil painting layers deposited on a paper support.
This is the abstract to Anna Nowicka's poster "The influence of the Bookkeeper preparation onto oil painting layers deposited on a paper support." presented during the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms", held in St. Pölten from 28.05. to 01.05.2014. Anna Nowicka ( Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, PL) 04-Apr-2014 Anna Nowicka ( Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, PL)
The conservation of the 10th century Georgian manuscript
This is the abstract to Darejan Gogasvili's poster "The conservation of the 10th century Georgian manuscript" presented during the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms", held in St. Pölten from 28.05. to 01.05.2014. Darejan Gogasvili (Georgian National Museum, GE) 04-Apr-2014 Darejan Gogasvili (Georgian National Museum, GE)
Programme ICARUS-Lecture Poland
This is the programme for the ICARUS-Lecture held on 26 November 2014 at the he Head Office of State Archives in Warsaw, Poland. 24-Nov-2014
ICARUS@work #11
Title: Meeting the digital challenge together – The ICARUS-Experience Venue: Wrocław/PL, 5th September 2012 Time: 10.00-14.00 30-Apr-2012 ICARUS
An introduction on ICARUSnet by Vlatka Lemić of the Hrvatski državni arhiv in Zagreb / HR. The recording was taken in June 2011 at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting in Poznan / PL. Vlatka Lemić 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS