Document Summary Author Date Copyright
ICARUS Convention #33 announcement
infos about Convention #33 in Naples 30-Aug-2024
ICARUS Convention #33 accommodation
list of potential accommodation Naples/Portici 30-Aug-2024
ICARUS Convention #33 programme_draft
Programme draft for Convention #33 30-Aug-2024
ICARUS Convention #33 CFP
Call for papers for ICARUS Convention #33 (16-18.10.2024) in Naples ICARUS, UNINA 24-Jun-2024
Scantaetigkeit Robert Reiter in Baden-Wuerttemberg
Robert Reiter digitalisiert Urkunden zw. 2011 und 2024 in Baden-Württemberg Robert Reiter 24-Jun-2024
ICARUS Convention #32 Programme
ICARUS Convention #32 in Novi Sad (5-7.June 2024) - long programme incl. speaker bios Archives of Vojvodina 09-May-2024
ICARUS Convention #32 Programme short
Condensed programme of ICARUS Convention #32 in Novi Sad (5-7 June 2024) Archives of Vojvodina 09-May-2024
ICARUS Croatia Days #9
Programme of the 9th ICARUS Croatia Days in Osijek, 13-15 March 2024 ICARUS Croatia 06-Mar-2024
ICARUS Convention #32 invitation
Invitation and general information +Cfp for Convention #32 in Novi Sad (June 2024) 01-Mar-2024
An der Schwelle zur Institutionenbildung. Ein mittelalterlicher Archivbehelf im bischöflichen Archiv zu Freising
This study covers one of the oldest archival finding aids on record, its writing unter Egilbert (1005–1039) and Ellenhard (1052–1078), bishops of Freising, and its uses in the composition of 12th and 13th century Freis￾ing registers (Amtsbücher). The archival finding aid, transmitted in two ver￾sions and still usable, not only served to sort records within the episcopal archives, but was also used to precisely designate the foundational charters of Freising’s outlying properties to the then reigning bishops and their periods of office, from Corbinian up to Ellenhard. Adelheid Krah 08-Feb-2024 BÖHLAU VERLAG WIEN KÖLN