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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Programme ICARUS-Meeting #18 Budapest
Programme for the ICARUS-Meeting #18/4th co:op partner meeting in Budapest (17-19 October 2016). 08-Aug-2016
Urkunden als Netzwerk
EIn Werkstattbericht Daniel Jeller 08-Aug-2016 Daniel Jeller
“Das Unsichtbare wieder sichtbar machen!”, Universum Magazin 06/07/2016
press text on the developement of the Topotheque in Lower Austria, quoting the examples of Himberg, Wolkersdorf and Kapelln; including info boxes on ICARUS matricula and monasterium, author: Sabine Edith Braun. Sabine Edith Braun 04-Jul-2016 ICARUS
“Vom Pergament ins Netz”, Ulmer Kulturspiegel, April 8, 2016
text on Robert Reiter's scanning activities in Germany, author: Henning Petershagen. Henning Petershagen 29-Jun-2016 ICARUS
“Die Topothek als Detektivspiel für alle: Holen Sie Ihre Fotos aus der Kiste!”, Falter Heureka 03/16, June 22, 2016
text on the Topotheque in Lower Austria in the science supplement "Heureka" of Austria's weekly magazine Falter, author: Sabine Edith Braun. Sabine Edith Braun 29-Jun-2016 ICARUS
insights 01/2016 ENG
English 24-Jun-2016
insights 1/2016 DE
German 24-Jun-2016
Minutes Executive Board meeting Visby (SE)
Minutes from the Executive Board meeting held on 23 May 2016 within the ICARUS-Meeting #17 at the Regional State Archives in Visby (SE). 21-Jun-2016
ICARUS4all Corporate Partnership flyer
English flyer for ICARUS4all Corporate Partnership. 21-Jun-2016