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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Presse release: Rescue of archival documents in Middle East
The ICARUS Network Meeting #16 in St. Pölten (November 23-25) ended with a sensational result: The immediate start of a co-operation with the "Centre Numérique des Manuscrits Orienteaux" (CNMO) in Iraq, led by Dominican Father Najeeb Michaeel. ICARUS 09-Dec-2015 ICARUS
“Christen retteten wertvolle alte Dokumente aus dem Irak”, SBG Nachrichten, 01/12/2015
press article on the result of ICARUS Meeting #16 in St. Pölten and the oncoming cooperation with Father Najeeb Michaeel, Salzburger Nachrichten, 1.12.2015, author: Ursula Kastler Ursula Kastler 03-Dec-2015 ICARUS
insights 2/2015 ENG
insights 2/2015 English ICARUS 03-Dec-2015 ICARUS
insights 2/2015
insights 2/2105 German ICARUS 03-Dec-2015 ICARUS
Minutes: Executive Board Meeting 23.11.2015
Venue: Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt, Eybnerstraße 5, 3100 St. Pölten (AT) – Seminar room II Date: 23 November 2015 Time: 13.00 – 14.30 ICARUS 01-Dec-2015 ICARUS
“Nur Friede und Gleichberechtigung können Zukunft der Christen in Nahost sichern”, Kirche bunt, Nov. 27, 2015
article on the visit of patriarch Sako at the ICARUS Meeting # 16 in St. Pölten and his speech in the summer refectory, Kirche bunt 48, Nov. 27, 2015. Kirche bunt 27-Nov-2015 ICARUS
“Wie ein Mönch dem IS zuvorkam”, Kurier, Nov. 27, 2015
article on the planned cooperation between F. Najeeb Michaeel and ICARUS, also giving detailed background information on Najeeb's digitising activities in Iraq. Kurier, 27/11/2015, author: Susanne Mauthner-Weber Susanne Mauthner-Weber 27-Nov-2015 ICARUS
radio interview with Andreas Schmidt-Colinet, 24/11/2015
radio interview on the ICARUS-meeting #16 in St. Pölten, November 24, 2015 on SWR2, interviewer: Martina Kögl Marina Kögl 27-Nov-2015 ICARUS
press release “ICARUS kooperiert mit Archiv im Nordirak”
press release dealing with the results of ICARUS meeting #16 in St. Pölten, Nov. 23-25, 2015, giving information on F.Najeeb Michaeel and his digitising efforts in Iraq and the planned cooperation with his „Centre Numérique des Manuscrits Orientaux“ (CNMO) in Erbil/Iraq Dagmar Weidinger 27-Nov-2015 ICARUS