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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Cadastral Maps Agenda
This is the agenda for the Cadastral Maps Work Group Meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #10 in Bratislava. 16-Nov-2012
Cadastral Maps Work Group agenda
This is the agenda for the Cadastral Maps Work Group within the ICARUS-Meeting #10 in Bratislava. Andras Sipos 06-Nov-2012
Programme: Los archivos diocesanos: nuevos retos ante la era virtual
Programme for the conference "Los archivos diocesanos: nuevos retos ante la era virtual" on 11-12.12.2012 at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 05-Nov-2012
Didactics Workgroup Agenda
This is the agenda for the Didactics Workgroup at the ICARUS-Meeting #10 in Bratislava on 19 - 21.11.2012. 05-Nov-2012
2nd conference of European ecclestical archivists
Programme to the conference. Date: 29.04-01.05.2013. Venue: ASSOCIAZIONE ARCHIVISTICA ECCLESIASTICA - Piazza San Calisto, 16 – 00153 Roma 05-Nov-2012
Country Manager Workshop Pisa
This is the latest programme for the Archives Portal Europa Country Manager Workshop in Pisa, 29-30 January 2013. 29-Oct-2012
DASP Bericht Pfarrbibliothek Annaberg
Bericht von Johannes Leitner über die Sichtung und Neuordnung der hist. Pfarrbibliothek in Annaberg, Sept. 2012 23-Oct-2012
Mairena, Alfonso Sánchez (2012): The Methodology for the Researching of Medieval Cartularies
Mairena, Alfonso Sánchez (2012): The Methodology for the Researching of Medieval Cartularies: An Experience from the Cartulary of the Cathedral Chapter of Lugo, Spain (XIIIth Century), Universidad de Granada, Spain The publication is an homage to Prof. Dr. D. José Ignacio Fernández de Viana y Vieites and written in Spanish, including an English abstract. Mairena, Alfonso Sánchez 23-Oct-2012 Mairena, Alfonso Sánchez
ICARUS@work 12
Programme for the conference at the Villa Germia in Prishtine (Kosovo). 22-Oct-2012