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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Lecture 1 “Ad fontes online”
The lecture series "Ad fontes online" offers a number of presentations from international experts on original archival sources online. The first lecture is by Johan Ahlfeldt (Lund University) on "Historical Geography in the Digital Age: connecting sources and literature to interactive maps". Date: 03 March 2017 at the Philosophical Department of the University of Belgrade (SRB). 28-Feb-2017
Lunch time lecture
Dominique Stutzmann (senior researcher at the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, FR) presentation "Automated indexing of medieval manuscripts: the HIMANIS research project and the registers of the French royal chancery" on 7 March 2017 at the ZIM in Graz (AT). 28-Feb-2017
3rd Croatian ICARUS days
Preliminary programme for the 3rd Croatia ICARUS days in Vukovar (HR) on 16-18 March 2017. 02-Feb-2017
Einladung in die private Geschichte Bayerns
Flyer Topotheque event on 17 February 2017 in Munich (DE). 16-Jan-2017
“Bring your history day” in Spain (AHEB-BEHA)
"Bring your history day" organized by the Archivo Histórico Eclesiástico de Bizkaia (ES) on 16 January 2017: "Benito Moya and Jorge Villa". 16-Jan-2017
press release: “100 Archive auf einen Blick”, January 11, 2017
press release on the occasion of the 100th topotheque in Großengersdorf in Lower Austria. Dagmar Weidinger 11-Jan-2017 ICARUS
Report on File Formats for Hand-written Text Recognition (HTR) Material
The National Archives of Finland has carried out format study within our co:op project with the primary purpose of reviewing and analyzing the available file formats for the storage of automatically recognized text or manually input text (transcription). The automatic recognition can be either OCR-based (i.e. recognition of printed text) or HTR-based (i.e. recognition of hand-written text). The existing file formats are described from the point of view of their structure and special characteristics and links to schema files or more detailed descriptions of the formats are given. Also, an attempt is made to list some of the projects, organizations and pieces of software using the formats. Finally, a summary and comparison of the reviewed file formats is provided. Another purpose of this format study is to analyze the applicability of the file formats in the environment of the National Archives of Finland. This requires state-of-the-art analysis identifying current systems related to e.g. long-term preservation of documents, metadata handling and information search as well as describing the foreseen changes in the environment in the near future. In addition to that, requirements concerning the types of usage potentially enabled by the existence of OCR:ed / HTR:ed document text are listed. Finally, the potential implications of fulfilling the listed requirements on processes, other systems and processing are analyzed. National Archives of Finland 16-Dec-2016 National Archives of Finland
Handbuch “Matricula”
Handbuch für das online Portal "Marticula". Gabi Rudigner 13-Dec-2016 Gabi Rudinger
Cooperation and linking of heritage institutions and communities through the digital platform Topotheque
Workshop organized within the EU-funded project "co:op" to introduce the Topotheque in Vukovar (HR) on 14 December 2016. 08-Dec-2016