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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
insights 2/2019 ENG
Second issue of 2019 in English. 19-Nov-2019
insights 2/2019 DE
Second issue of 2019 in German. 19-Nov-2019
Press release “10 Jahre MATRICULA”, Festveranstaltung 2.11.2019, St.Pölten
press release for Austrian media Dagmar Weidinger 22-Oct-2019 ICARUS
ICARUS convention #24 – abstracts
abstracts of the speeches at the #24 convention 20-Sep-2019
Time Machine Factsheet
Factsheet of the Time Machine CSA project. 27-May-2019
Time Machine Manifesto
Manifesto of the Time Machine CSA project. 27-May-2019
“Topothek und Museum – einer Verbindung mit Zukunft”, Neues Museum, 06/2019
article on the Topotheque project, special focus on international achievements during the co:op project (Hungary, Finlan) and comig partnerships with Lower Austria's "Haus der Geschichte", author: Dagmar Weidinger Dagmar Weidinger 10-May-2019 ICARUS
Information broschure TM Meeting Amsterdam
Broschure with key information (floormap, contacts etc.) for the Time Machine Meeting in Amsterdam on 10-11 May 2019. 08-May-2019
insights 1/2019 DE
First issue of 2019 in German. 07-May-2019