Document | Summary | Author | Date | Copyright |
Invitation to Kate Theimer's lecture "The future of archives is participatory" at the Národní archiv in Prague on 08 APril 2014. | 21-Mar-2014 | |||
Thematic areas: • the evaluation of the archival holdings of the religious communities • the role of public archival service in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities • the implementation of professional standards in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities • European experiences regarding the management and preservation of the archival holdings of the religious communities | 04-Mar-2014 | |||
The present dissertation is oriented to the need of knowledge from Archivists in order to evaluate Software for archival description. When this task is allocated it is usual to be done by computer experts without any competence on such subject and there is some difficulty to establish a bridge between people with different expertise. | Sérgio Manuel Duarte Simões | 26-Nov-2012 | Sérgio Manuel Duarte Simões |