Thematic areas:
• the evaluation of the archival holdings of the religious communities
• the role of public archival service in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities
• the implementation of professional standards in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities
• European experiences regarding the management and preservation of the archival holdings of the religious communities
This is the Call for Papers for the conference „Building infrastructures for archives in a digital world“ to be held in Dublin on 26. – 28. June 2013.
The European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration is organizing the conference “Horn II - Conference -From Microorganisms to Mega-organisms” on April 23-25, 2014 at the Kunsthaus in Horn (AT).
The call for papers is explicitly meant to address conservators AND ARCHIVISTS as well as librarians and other professionals feeling responsible for the care of the written and graphic cultural heritage.