Posts Tagged ‘ ICARUS-Lecture ’

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Programme ICARUS-Lecture Poland
This is the programme for the ICARUS-Lecture held on 26 November 2014 at the he Head Office of State Archives in Warsaw, Poland. 24-Nov-2014
ICARUS-Lecture #5
Plakat. 17-Oct-2012
Programme: Conferinţa Arhive, istorie şi politică în România secolelor XIX-XXI
Venue: Bucharest (RO) Date: September 20-21, 2012. The programme is in Romanian. 18-Sep-2012
Los archivos diocesanos: nuevos retos ante la era virtual – Programme
Programme to the conference from December 11-12, 2012 (in Spanish) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Madrid. 18-Sep-2012
ICARUS-Lecture #4
This is the programme for: "Building up a common archival landscape: Cooperation, networking and standardization" Croatian State Arhives Zagreb, September 14. 2012. 08-Aug-2012
ICARUS-Lecture #3
This episode of the ICARUS Podcast is a lecture given by Sébastien Barret and Dominique Stutzmann of the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, IRHT / FR on the new possibilities for archives and cultural heritage institutions in the digital age. The recording was taken on the occasion of the publication of Archives on the Web — Experiences, challenges, visions, our latest book. Sébastien Barret / Dominique Stutzmann 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Die tschechischen Archive im Web

Mag. Karel Halla of the Státni okresní archiv Cheb talks about "Die tschechischen Archive im Web. Digitale Quellen zur gemeinsamen bayerisch-tschechischen Geschichte" (The Czech archives on the web. Digitized sources for the collective Bavarian-Czech history).

The recording was taken at the Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv in Munich.

An online version of Mr. Hallas presentation is available on the ICARUS slideshare page.

Karel Halla 03-Apr-2012 ICARUS