Posts Tagged ‘ Prague ’

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
“Die Bevölkerung erforscht ihre Geschichte”, die Presse, May 23, 2015
Article after the conference "Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age" in Prague/April 2015 focusing on the topotheque and co:op; including statements by Thomas Aigner, Francesco Roberg, Kathrin Sammer and Adelheid Krah, date of publication: May 23, 2015, author: Sonja Burger. Sonja Burger 01-Jun-2015 ICARUS
Mit ICARUS Grenzen überschreiten | Eindrücke von der Internationalen Konferenz „Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age”
Press release after the international conference„Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age” in Prague, April 27-April 29, 2015 Dagmar Weidinger 01-May-2015 ICARUS
Press release Conference Prague, April 2015
This press release invites journalists to join the international conference “Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age”, taking place in Břevnov Abbey/Prague between April 27 and April 29, 2015. ICARUS/Dagmar Weidinger 19-Mar-2015 ICARUS
Let the crowd work!
This is the programme for the conference panel "Let the crowd work!" held within the ICARUS-meeting #15 "Archival cooperation and community building in the Digital Age" from 27 - 29 April 2015 at Brevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ). ICARUS 17-Feb-2015 ICARUS
Programme “Eduaction in the Digital Age”
This is the programme for the conference panel "Learning the past to build the future: education in the Digital Age" held within the ICARUS-meeting #15 "Archival cooperation and community building in the Digital Age" from 27 - 29 April 2015 at Brevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ). ICARUIS 14-Jan-2015 ICARUS
Kate Theimer: The future of archives is participatory
Invitation to Kate Theimer's lecture "The future of archives is participatory" at the Národní archiv in Prague on 08 APril 2014. 21-Mar-2014
Ethylene Oxide Residues in fumigated books – a first result of the project “Men and Books”
Power Point presentation by Patricia Engel given at the 2nd Partner Meeting in Prague on 01 March 2013. Patricia Engel 04-Mar-2013 Patricia Engel