The lecture series "Ad fontes online" offers a number of presentations from international experts on original archival sources online.
The first lecture is by Johan Ahlfeldt (Lund University) on "Historical Geography in the Digital Age: connecting sources and literature to interactive maps". Date: 03 March 2017 at the Philosophical Department of the University of Belgrade (SRB).
Programme for the university seminar "The network of the Spanish National Archives: past and future" held from 20-21 January 2016 at the UCM (ES).
Programm for the university seminar "Nuevos Tiempos, Nuevos Usuarios:
Repositorios Digitales En Archivos Y Bibliotecas". 18 Devember 2015. Facultad de Ciencias de la Documentación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid Aula Informática III
Programm for the (German) international conference, held at the University of Vienna on 16 - 17 September 2014.