Search results for 'annual report':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
An introduction on ICARUSnet by Vlatka Lemić of the Hrvatski državni arhiv in Zagreb / HR. The recording was taken in June 2011 at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting in Poznan / PL. Vlatka Lemić 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
The digitisation of Register books in the Czech Republic
A presentation by Milan Augustin of the Státní okresní archiv Karlovy Vary / CZ on the progress of the digitisation of Register books in the Czech Republic. The recording was taken at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting in Poznan / PL. Milan Augustin 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
The European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation
A presentation by Patricia Engel on the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation in Horn / AT. The recording was taken at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting June 2011 in Poznan / PL. Patricia Engel 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Introduction to ICARUS
A short introductory speech on ICARUS given at the semi-annual meeting in Poznan in June 2011. Karl Heinz 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Conference proceedings ICARUS-Meeting #9
Short summary of the ICARUS-Meeting #9 in Einsiedeln (German). 23-Jul-2012
NAMPI – Geschichte am Mittwoch – 2021-11-03
Slides of a PowerPoint presentation used in the NAMPI lecture in the "Geschichte am Mittwoch" lecture series at the University of Vienna. NAMPI Project 04-Nov-2021 NAMPI Project
Minutes General Assembly Tartu (EE)
Minutes from the General Assembly held on 29 May 2017 within the ICARUS-Meeting #19 in Tartu (EE). 06-Jun-2017
EU official exchange rates 09.2016
EU official EURO-exchange rates for the use of co:op financial reports inforeuro 03-May-2017
ICARUS HR release
ICARUS HR release in Croatian. 03-Oct-2016
Minutes Executive Board meeting Visby (SE)
Minutes from the Executive Board meeting held on 23 May 2016 within the ICARUS-Meeting #17 at the Regional State Archives in Visby (SE). 21-Jun-2016