Search results for 'Firenze University Press':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
“Du wirst uns noch umbringen mit deinen Texten”, Universum Magazin 3/2016
text on Father Najeeb Michaeel's CNMO in Iraq, his scanning activities and the ICARUS-conference in St. Pölten in November 2016, which lead to the founding of the "Chaldean Heritage Task Force", author: Sabine Edith Braun Sabine Edith Braun 10-Mar-2016 ICARUS
Najeeb “Universium”
Story on Father Najeeb Michaeel's story and cooperation with ICARUS published in the Austrian popular science magazine "Universium" by Sabine Edith Braun. Sabine Edith Braun 06-Mar-2016 Sabine Edith Braun
“Die Suche nach den Wurzeln”, WZ
text on the ICARUS4all late summer-party at Geras Abbey in autumn 2015; especially telling the personal stories of family research of two ICARUS4all members (Otto Amon, Melitta Riegler), Wiener Zeitung, extra, Feb. 20/21, 2016, author: Sabine Edith Braun Sabine Edith Braun 22-Feb-2016 ICARUS
“Gedächtnislückenfüller”, Niederösterreich Perspektiven, Winter 2015
text on the many topotheques in Lower Austria, Niederösterrich Perspektiven Winter 2015, author: Rainer Hirschkorn Rainer Hirschkorn 05-Jan-2016 ICARUS
Presse release: Rescue of archival documents in Middle East
The ICARUS Network Meeting #16 in St. Pölten (November 23-25) ended with a sensational result: The immediate start of a co-operation with the "Centre Numérique des Manuscrits Orienteaux" (CNMO) in Iraq, led by Dominican Father Najeeb Michaeel. ICARUS 09-Dec-2015 ICARUS
“Nur Friede und Gleichberechtigung können Zukunft der Christen in Nahost sichern”, Kirche bunt, Nov. 27, 2015
article on the visit of patriarch Sako at the ICARUS Meeting # 16 in St. Pölten and his speech in the summer refectory, Kirche bunt 48, Nov. 27, 2015. Kirche bunt 27-Nov-2015 ICARUS
“Wie ein Mönch dem IS zuvorkam”, Kurier, Nov. 27, 2015
article on the planned cooperation between F. Najeeb Michaeel and ICARUS, also giving detailed background information on Najeeb's digitising activities in Iraq. Kurier, 27/11/2015, author: Susanne Mauthner-Weber Susanne Mauthner-Weber 27-Nov-2015 ICARUS
radio interview with Andreas Schmidt-Colinet, 24/11/2015
radio interview on the ICARUS-meeting #16 in St. Pölten, November 24, 2015 on SWR2, interviewer: Martina Kögl Marina Kögl 27-Nov-2015 ICARUS
radio interview with Thomas Aigner, 19/11/2015
radio interview on the ICARUS-meeting #16 in St. Pölten, November 19, 2015, Radio NÖ. Marina Watteck 21-Nov-2015 ICARUS
“Historischer Blick auf die Wojwodina”, OÖN Wels, Oct 22, 2015
short invitation to the exhibition "Woijwodschaft Serbien und Temeser Banat" in Marchtrenk, OÖN Wels, Oct 22nd, 2015, author: Erik Famler. Erik Famler 18-Nov-2015 ICARUS