Document | Summary | Author | Date | Copyright |
A presentation by Milan Augustin of the Státní okresní archiv Karlovy Vary / CZ on the progress of the digitisation of Register books in the Czech Republic. The recording was taken at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting in Poznan / PL. | Milan Augustin | 17-Apr-2012 | ICARUS | |
A presentation by Patricia Engel on the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation in Horn / AT. The recording was taken at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting June 2011 in Poznan / PL. | Patricia Engel | 17-Apr-2012 | ICARUS | |
This is the proposal for activities of the Cadastral Maps Network in 2011/2012 as presented and discussed at the ICARUS-Meeting in Poznan (PL), 06. - 08.06.2011 | Budapest City Archives/ICARUS | 12-Apr-2012 | Budapest City Archives/ICARUS | |
This is the abstract to Sylwia Popławska's, Izabela Zając's and Władysław Sobucki's poster "The Conservation Problems in Eliza Orzeszkowa’s Artistic Herbarium as a New Research Direction" presented during the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms", held in St. Pölten from 28.05. to 01.05.2014. | Sylwia Popławska, Izabela Zając, Władysław Sobucki | 05-Apr-2014 | Sylwia Popławska, Izabela Zając, Władysław Sobucki | |
This is the contribution on the accessibility of the cadasters in the Polish State Archives by Aldona Warzecha presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. | A. Warzecha | 12-Apr-2012 | A. Warzecha | |
This is the contribution on cadastral maps in Poland by Anna Sokółn presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. | A. Sokół | 12-Apr-2012 | A. Sokół |