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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
ICARUS constitution
This is the constitution of the ICARUS association in English. ICARUS 12-Aug-2014 ICARUS
Minutes ENArc-Meeting Copenhagen
These are the minutes from the ENArC-Meeting held within the ICARUS-Meeting in Copenhagen on17 June 2014. ICARUS 12-Aug-2014 ICARUS
ICARUS constitution
This is the constitution of the ICARUS association in German. ICARUS 12-Aug-2014 ICARUS
Minutes General Assembly
These are the minutes of the General Assembly held on 17 June 2014 within the ICARUS-Meeting at the Danish National Archives from 16 - 18 June 2014. ICARUS 12-Aug-2014 ICARUS
Men and Books poster presentation 2013
Poster of Men-and-Books first results, for presentation at ICOM-CC Meeting in Vienna, April 2013 Katja Sterflinger, Patricia Engel 10-Aug-2014
Men and Books – conference Programme Prague 1.3.13
Programme of the congress in Prague, 1.3.13. Zdenek Nespor 03-Jul-2014
Konferenz-folder: Auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Identität
Die Web-Version des Folders zur Konferenz "Auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Identität. Quellen zur Geschichte Mitteleuropas im Digitalen Zeitalter". Für Druck nur bedingt geeignet. Daniel Jeller 03-Jul-2014 ICARUS
Checklist Mobility Grant
This is the checklist for receiving the Mobility Grant reimbursement. ICARUS 30-Jun-2014 ICARUS
Agreement of Accession
This is the form "Agreement of Accesion" to join the ICARUS consortium. ICARUS 30-Jun-2014 ICARUS