
Document Summary Author Date Copyright
"The medieval documents on the WEB: ICARUS, the ENArC Project and the Spanish Archives" Venue: Archivo Histórico Nacional Madrid Date: 12 June 2013 28-May-2013
ICARUS-Meeting #11: preliminary programme
This is the preliminary programme for the ICARUS-Meeting #11 to be held at Trinity College in Dublin (IE) from 25-26 June 2013. 22-Apr-2013
Tagungsprogramm Bas Net_8_5_13
Programm zur 2. Tagung Projekt Bas Net im OÖ LA, 8.5.13 "Heimat - Region - Kultur" cziegler 12-Apr-2013
Programme: Trotz der Grenze. Migrationsprozesse im tschechisch-deutsche Grenzgebiet
Programme for the conference within the frameworks of the EU project "Ziel 3 Tschechische Republik - Freistaat Sachsen 2007-2013. Venue: CHEB/EGER "Papírna" Date: 27-29 May 2013 10-Apr-2013
Men and Books 2nd Partner Meeting Prague 2013 info
General information on schedule, venue, accommodation etc. of the 2nd partner meeting of the project "Men and Books" in Prague, 28.02. -01.03.2013. Zdenek Nespor 06-Dec-2012
Cadastral Maps Agenda
This is the agenda for the Cadastral Maps Work Group Meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #10 in Bratislava. 16-Nov-2012
Cadastral Maps Work Group agenda
This is the agenda for the Cadastral Maps Work Group within the ICARUS-Meeting #10 in Bratislava. Andras Sipos 06-Nov-2012
Programme: Los archivos diocesanos: nuevos retos ante la era virtual
Programme for the conference "Los archivos diocesanos: nuevos retos ante la era virtual" on 11-12.12.2012 at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 05-Nov-2012
Didactics Workgroup Agenda
This is the agenda for the Didactics Workgroup at the ICARUS-Meeting #10 in Bratislava on 19 - 21.11.2012. 05-Nov-2012