
Document Summary Author Date Copyright
CfP: 3rd Archival Congress in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Call for Papers for the 3rd Archival Congress in Bosnia and Herzegovina to be held from 5-7 June 2019 in Laktaši (BiH). 11-Mar-2019
In Grenzen unbegrenzt. Passauer Bistumsgeschichte und die digitale Welt
Programme 7-8 February 2019 at Spectrum Kirche in Passau (DE) 04-Feb-2019
Programme 5th Croatian ICARUS Days and ICARUS Convention #23
Programme for the 5th Croatian ICARUS Days and ICARUS Convention #23. Date: 27-29 March 2019 Venue: Pula (HR) 24-Jan-2019
Topotheque Digital Platform – Local History, Common Story
Presentation of the Topotheque within the event "Topotheque Digital Platform - Local History, Common Story" on 30 November 2018 in Osijek (HR). 29-Nov-2018
Digital Editions of Medieval Documents: the Project Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale
Programme for the workshop "Digital Editions of Medieval Documents: the Project Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale" held within the co:op project on 28 November 2018 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia. 29-Nov-2018
CfP: 5th Croatian ICARUS Days & ICARUS Convention #23
Call for papers for the 5th Croatian ICARUS Days & ICARUS Convention #23 which will take place in Pula (HR) from 27-29 March 2019. 13-Nov-2018
Programme co:op filma festival
Programme for the final film festival of the co:op project. Event title: "Expect the unexpected!" - Date: 19-20 November 2018 08-Oct-2018
Programm WS “Entziffern, Forschen, Mitmachen”
Workshop "Entziffern, Forschen, Mitmachen: Das Kloster St. Emmeram in Regensburg und seine digitale Überlieferung" on 5 October 2018 at the Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns. 21-Aug-2018
Description ICARUS Meeting #22
Short description of the 2nd international co:op convention and ICARUS Meeting #22. 27-Jun-2018