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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
co:op press release
This is the press release of the co:op project after it´s kick-off meeting in Praha (Prague, CZ) from 27-29 April 2015 at Břevnovský klášter (Břevnov Archabbey). ICARUS 19-May-2015 ICARUS
Symposium wirkt nach, Buchpräsentation „Grenze – Geschichte – Menschen“: NÖN Horn; 19/2015
Article von the presentation of the book „Grenze – Geschichte – Menschen“ in the Czech embassy in Vienna, author: Martin Kalchhauser, date of publication: May 7, 2015 (NÖN Horn ed. 19) Martin Kalchhauser 13-May-2015 ICARUS
Kick-Off Meeting co:op: presentation financial issues
PPP Corinna Ziegler, general information on financial adminsitartion for the co:op partner area cziegler 13-May-2015
co:op template A4-4 pages & A4-4 pages
These templates may be used for programmes, invitations etc. The dummy texts and images should be replaced accordingly. ICARUS 13-May-2015 ICARUS
Map of the Diocese of Passau from 1981
Map of the Diocese of Passau from 1981; Bischöfliches Ordinariat Passau 1981 12-May-2015
CONNECT: Photos meeting 5 May 2015
Pictures of the C'ONNECT meeting in Schaffa and Geras cziegler 08-May-2015
insights 01/2015
These are the first three pages of the english version of the insights magazine covering the cover, table of content and editorial. ICARUS 04-May-2015 ICARUS
Mit ICARUS Grenzen überschreiten | Eindrücke von der Internationalen Konferenz „Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age”
Press release after the international conference„Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age” in Prague, April 27-April 29, 2015 Dagmar Weidinger 01-May-2015 ICARUS
Proceedings Recondita Armonia
Proceedings of the conference "Recondita Armonia - Gli archivi della Musica", held on 26-28 une 2014 at the Sala Accademia di Palazzo Ducale (IT), organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, The University of Rome - La Sapienza and the Department of History in Lucca. 24-Apr-2015