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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
ICARUS@work #11
Title: Meeting the digital challenge together – The ICARUS-Experience Venue: Wrocław/PL, 5th September 2012 Time: 10.00-14.00 30-Apr-2012 ICARUS
EVA Conference, Florence (IT), 09.-11.05.2012
Program for the "Electronic Imaging - the Visual Arts: ‘The Foremost European Electronic Imaging Events in the Visual Arts’" conference Florence (IT). Conference, Workshops, Meetings & Exhibition Date: 9 – 11 May 2012 Venue: GRAND HOTEL MINERVA Firenze University Press 23-Apr-2012 Firenze University Press
Das archivalische Erbe unterwegs zur Online-Wissenswelt. Vergangene Wirklichkeiten, Digitalität, Archivwissenschaft und die gegenwärtige Geschichtsforschung am Beispiel des Bistums Passau – H. Wurster
Presentation by Dr. Herbert W. Wurster on "Das archivalische Erbe unterwegs zur Online-Wissenswelt. - Vergangene Wirklichkeiten, Digitalität, Archivwissenschaft und die gegenwärtige Geschichtsforschung am Beispiel des Bistums Passau." as part of the report on the „Die virtuelle Urkundenlandschaft der Diözese Passau“ held at the 135th Seminar of the IfÖG (Institute for Austrian History Research). Language: German Dr. Herbert W. Wurster 19-Apr-2012 Dr. Herbert W. Wurster
Die virtuelle Urkundenlandschaft der Diözese Passau
Mediale Urkundenwissenschaft Universität Wien, Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 135. Institutsseminar: Präsentation des Tagungsbandes Adelheid Krah 19-Apr-2012 Adelheid Krah
Minutes – Conference in Fulda (DE)
Conference title: Von Pippin bis Napoleon. Fulda und seine Urkunden Venue: Fulda (DE) Language: German Uwe Braumann, Harald Winkel 19-Apr-2012 Uwe Braumann, Harald Winkel
Book presentation Archives on the Web
This is a recording of a speech held by Thomas Just of the Austrian State Archives in Vienna / AT and Joachim Kemper of the City Archives in Speyer / DE on the occasion of the publication of a book published by ICARUS, Archives on the Web — Experiences, challenges, visions. Thomas Just / Joachim Kemper 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
ICARUS-Lecture #3
This episode of the ICARUS Podcast is a lecture given by Sébastien Barret and Dominique Stutzmann of the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, IRHT / FR on the new possibilities for archives and cultural heritage institutions in the digital age. The recording was taken on the occasion of the publication of Archives on the Web — Experiences, challenges, visions, our latest book. Sébastien Barret / Dominique Stutzmann 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
ICARUSNet – A model for building an archival network
This recording is the third part (of three) of a Lecture by ICARUS Members at the post-graduate course "Computer applications for archival management", organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa / IT. Vlatka Lemić of the Hrvatski državni arhiv in Zagreb / HR talked about ICARUSNet, and how it is an example for building an archival computer network. Vlatka Lemić 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Digitisation – Basic Questions
A short presentation by Daniel Jeller of ICARUS on the do's, don'ts and what-if's of planning and carrying through a digitisation project in a cultural heritage institution. The lecture is the second part of the ICARUS4education panel at the post-graduate course "Computer applications for archival management", organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa / IT. Daniel Jeller 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS