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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
An introduction on ICARUSnet by Vlatka Lemić of the Hrvatski državni arhiv in Zagreb / HR. The recording was taken in June 2011 at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting in Poznan / PL. Vlatka Lemić 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
The digitisation of Register books in the Czech Republic
A presentation by Milan Augustin of the Státní okresní archiv Karlovy Vary / CZ on the progress of the digitisation of Register books in the Czech Republic. The recording was taken at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting in Poznan / PL. Milan Augustin 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
The European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation
A presentation by Patricia Engel on the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation in Horn / AT. The recording was taken at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting June 2011 in Poznan / PL. Patricia Engel 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Introduction to ICARUS
A short introductory speech on ICARUS given at the semi-annual meeting in Poznan in June 2011. Karl Heinz 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Cooperation instead of Competition – The International Centre for Archival Research as a model for meeting archives
Dr. Thomas Aigner, the president of ICARUS was a speaker at the XIIIth EBNA Meeting in Budapest on the 10th May. Below you can listen to his contribution. The accompanying presentation to his speech on "Cooperation instead of Competition – The International Centre for Archival Research as a model for meeting archives´ challenges in the digital era" is available on our Slideshare page. Thomas Aigner 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
ENArC – European Network on Archival Cooperation
Dr. Karl Heinz spoke at a Conference on "Technical and Field related Problems of Classical and Electronic Archiving: Supplementary Education in the Fields of Archivistics, Documentalistics and Informatics" on the 8th of April in Radenci (Slo). This is a recording of his speech "ENArC - European Network on Archival Cooperation. Ein Beispiel für nachhaltige Archivvernetzung in Europa", focusing on the role of our ENArC-Project as a a participant in the sustainable interlinking between European archives. Karl Heinz 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Charters Network Newsletter 07
Charters Network Newsletter 07 17-Apr-2012
Charters Network Newsletter 06
Charters Network Newsletter 06 17-Apr-2012
Charters Network Newsletter 05
Charters Network Newsletter 05 17-Apr-2012