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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
ICARUS@work #10
Program for the workshop in Budapest (HU) @ BFL, 21.-22.05.2012. 10-May-2012
Reports 08-May-2012
Charters Network Newsletter 03
Newsletter #03 08-May-2012
Article on Archivnet
Article on Archivnet 08-May-2012
LSTR Auslandsreisen
Lohnsteuerrichtlinien für Auslandsreisen wie von der LBg übermittelt. 03-May-2012
Agenda Didactics Work Group
This is the agenda for the Didactics Work Group at the ICARUS-Meeting in Einsiedeln (CH) from 25.-27.06.2012 02-May-2012
Map Monastery Einsiedeln
This is a map of the are around the Monastery in Einsiedeln for orientation during the ICARUS-Meeting #9. Kloster Einsiedeln 02-May-2012 Kloster Einsiedeln
ICARUS@work #11
Title: Meeting the digital challenge together – The ICARUS-Experience Venue: Wrocław/PL, 5th September 2012 Time: 10.00-14.00 30-Apr-2012 ICARUS
EVA Conference, Florence (IT), 09.-11.05.2012
Program for the "Electronic Imaging - the Visual Arts: ‘The Foremost European Electronic Imaging Events in the Visual Arts’" conference Florence (IT). Conference, Workshops, Meetings & Exhibition Date: 9 – 11 May 2012 Venue: GRAND HOTEL MINERVA Firenze University Press 23-Apr-2012 Firenze University Press