Posts Tagged ‘ National Archives in Prague ’

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Press release Conference Prague, April 2015
This press release invites journalists to join the international conference “Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age”, taking place in Břevnov Abbey/Prague between April 27 and April 29, 2015. ICARUS/Dagmar Weidinger 19-Mar-2015 ICARUS
Archival cooperation and community building in the Digital Age
This is the general programme for the international conference "Archival cooperation and community building in the Digital Age" held from 27 - 29 April 2015 at Brevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ). ICARUS 14-Jan-2015 ICARUS
Invitation lecture by Priit Pirsko
This is the invitation to Priit Pirsko's (General Director of the National Archives of Estonia) lecture "Towards the digital archives: Summing up the first lessons", held on 13 May 2014 at the National Archives in Prague. Priit Pirsko 16-Apr-2014 Priit Pirsko