Search results for 'Archive of the Republic of Slovenia':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
“Urkunden im Netz lesen”: Katholische Sonntagszeitung Augsburg, May 2/3, 2015
Article on Robert Reiter scanning the documents of the episcopal archive at Hafnerberg mentioninig Monasterium and ICARUS, date of publication: May 2/3, 2015, author: Andreas Alt Andreas Alt 20-May-2015 ICARUS
Digitalisierung – Erschwingliche Lösungen
A presentation on the topic of cost effective technical solutions for digitisation in a Library / Archive context. Daniel Jeller 14-Jun-2012 ICARUS
Monasterium – A collaborative way of online edition
Part one of a three-part workshop given by ICARUS Members at the post-graduate course "Computer applications for archival management", organized by the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa / IT. Karl Heinz speaks about Monasterium and how its collaborative archive can be used. The recording is composed of two seperate parts. Karl Heinz 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Workshop “Digitale Urkundenpräsentationen: Laufende Projekte und aktuelle Entwicklungen”, München (DE), 16.06.2010
Invitation (in German) to the workshop "Digitale Urkundenpräsentationen: Laufende Projekte und aktuelle Entwicklungen", München (DE), 16.06.2010. Venue: Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns, Schönfeldstraße 5, 80539 München. 12-Apr-2012
Logo Niederösterreichisches Landesarchiv / Lower Austrian State Archive cziegler 03-Apr-2012 NÖLA
Article: Urkunden im Netz reaches out to the city of St. Gallen! Annkristin Schlichte, editor of Arbido, reports in her article “Charters on the web: The international virtual archive” from the flourishing international cooperation between and three Swiss Archives: The Archives of the monastery Einsiedeln, the Monastery Archives St. Gallen and the City Archives of St. Gallen. The vital message: Not only does the team-work between and various monasteries and archives signify essential steps into the digital future of knowledge transfer; it rather shows the importance for the city itself and enables the citizens of St. Gallen to get democratic access to their own and their city´s cultural history. Urkunden im Netz: das international Urkundenportal Arbido. Fachportale für Kulturgut. Ausgabe 1 (23.02.2012) Schlichte, Annkristin 05-Mar-2012 arbido
co:op press release
This is the press release of the co:op project after it´s kick-off meeting in Praha (Prague, CZ) from 27-29 April 2015 at Břevnovský klášter (Břevnov Archabbey). ICARUS 19-May-2015 ICARUS
co:op template A4-4 pages & A4-4 pages
These templates may be used for programmes, invitations etc. The dummy texts and images should be replaced accordingly. ICARUS 13-May-2015 ICARUS
Ländergrenzen sind Nonsens
Article on ICARUS, published in "Wiener Zeitung" (08.05.2014), author: Dagmar Weidinger Dagmar Weidinger 01-Feb-2015 ICARUS
co:op project submission
This is the co:op project application package comprised of project description, submission form, estimated budget, working programme, cooperation agreement, activity reports, CVs, statutes, project evaluation. ICARUS 01-Dec-2014 ICARUS