Search results for 'Budapest City Archives/ICARUS/feed/revision_log':

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Die tschechischen Archive im Web

Mag. Karel Halla of the Státni okresní archiv Cheb talks about "Die tschechischen Archive im Web. Digitale Quellen zur gemeinsamen bayerisch-tschechischen Geschichte" (The Czech archives on the web. Digitized sources for the collective Bavarian-Czech history).

The recording was taken at the Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv in Munich.

An online version of Mr. Hallas presentation is available on the ICARUS slideshare page.

Karel Halla 03-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Logo Österreichisches Staatsarchiv / Austrian State Archives cziegler 03-Apr-2012 OESTA
Logo Crossborder Archives cziegler 03-Apr-2012 ICARUS, Karl Giesriegl
An der Schwelle zur Institutionenbildung. Ein mittelalterlicher Archivbehelf im bischöflichen Archiv zu Freising
This study covers one of the oldest archival finding aids on record, its writing unter Egilbert (1005–1039) and Ellenhard (1052–1078), bishops of Freising, and its uses in the composition of 12th and 13th century Freis￾ing registers (Amtsbücher). The archival finding aid, transmitted in two ver￾sions and still usable, not only served to sort records within the episcopal archives, but was also used to precisely designate the foundational charters of Freising’s outlying properties to the then reigning bishops and their periods of office, from Corbinian up to Ellenhard. Adelheid Krah 08-Feb-2024 BÖHLAU VERLAG WIEN KÖLN
ICARUS_GA_Presentation 26.11.2020
ICARUS_Convention#25_presentation Friday morningpdf
ICARUS_Convention#25_presentation Friday afternoon
ICARUS convention #24 – abstracts
abstracts of the speeches at the #24 convention 20-Sep-2019
ICARUS-Convention #24 – changes for monday
programme update for monday 20-Sep-2019
General Assembly ICARUS-Convention #24 – AGENDA
Agenda of the GA from September 23rd in Belgrade 05-Sep-2019