Search results for 'Budapest City Archives/ICARUS/feed/revision_log':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Project proposal: Mare Balticum
This is the abstract to the project proposal "Mare Balticum" as presented by the Danish National Archives during the project market meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #14 in Colmar (November 2014). Danish National Archives 03-Dec-2014 Danish National Archives
Project proposal: Autenticum
This is the abstract to the project proposal "Autenticum" as presented by the Danish National Archives during the project market meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #14 in Colmar (November 2014). Danish National Archives 03-Dec-2014 Danish National Archives
Programme 5th Croatian ICARUS Days and ICARUS Convention #23
Programme for the 5th Croatian ICARUS Days and ICARUS Convention #23. Date: 27-29 March 2019 Venue: Pula (HR) 24-Jan-2019
“Die Zugänglichkeit der Kataster in den Polnischen Staatsarchiven” by A. Warzecha
This is the contribution on the accessibility of the cadasters in the Polish State Archives by Aldona Warzecha presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. A. Warzecha 12-Apr-2012 A. Warzecha
Croatian ICARUS days
Programme for the Croatian ICARUS days "Archives and cooperation in the Digital Age", held at the Grand Hotel Adriatic in Opatija (HR) from 12-13 March 2015. 24-Feb-2015
Programme ICARUS-Meeting 14
This is the programme for the ICARUS-Meeting #14 which is held from 17-19 November 2014 at the Archives Départementale du Haute-Rhin in Colmar (FR). ICARUS 09-Oct-2014 ICARUS
ICARUS Meeting #13 Programme
This is the final programme for the ICARUS Meeting #13 from 16 - 18 June 2014 at the Danish National Archives. ICARUS 12-Jun-2014 ICARUS
CfP: 5th Croatian ICARUS Days & ICARUS Convention #23
Call for papers for the 5th Croatian ICARUS Days & ICARUS Convention #23 which will take place in Pula (HR) from 27-29 March 2019. 13-Nov-2018
Programme ICARUS-Meeting #19
Programme for the ICARUS-Meeting #19 / 5th co:op partner meeting at the National Archives of Estonia on 29-31 May 2017. 08-Mar-2017
Das APEx Projekt und die ICARUS community – Ein gemeinsamer Weg zu einem Europäischen Archivportal
Veröffentlichung zur Rolle von ICARUS hinsichtlich der Erweiterung des europäischen Archivnetzwerkes im Rahmen des APEx Projektes. T. Aigner (ICARUS), K. Arnold (Bundesarchiv Berlin), S. Montanari und B. Benedetti (SNS) 03-Oct-2012 T. Aigner (ICARUS), K. Arnold (Bundesarchiv Berlin), S. Montanari und B. Benedetti (SNS)