Search results for 'Budapest City Archives/ICARUS/feed/revision_log':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Lecture final conference memory without borders Zehetmayer
Lecture fromthe Lower Asutrian archives, 14th of May 2014 Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014
ICARUS@work #14
This is the programme of the ICARS@work #14 conference held at the National Library of Bucharest (RO) on 06 May 2014 in cooperation with the National Archives of Romania. 06-May-2014
“Digital restoration of the Cadastral Heritage — The Arcanum Project for digital processing of the contemporary cadastral sheets (1856-60) of Hungary” by S. Biszak
This is the contribution on digital restoration of the Cadastral Heritage and the Arcanum Project for digital processing of the contemporary cadastral sheets (1856-60) of Hungary" by S. Biszakpresented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. Sándor Biszak 12-Apr-2012 Sándor Biszak
“Cadastral Maps in Poland” by A. Sokół
This is the contribution on cadastral maps in Poland by Anna Sokółn presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. A. Sokół 12-Apr-2012 A. Sokół
Cadastral material in Slovenia – Scanning and Usage by D. Plevel
This is the contribution on cadastral material in Slovenia by Darija Plevel presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. D. Plevel 12-Apr-2012 D. Plevel
Cadastral Maps in Semlin Magistrate Fonds (1751-1934) by O. Kilibarda
This is the contribution (in German) on cadastral maps in the Semlin magistrae fonds by Olga Kilibarda presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. Olga Kilibarda 12-Apr-2012 Olga Kilibarda
“Historische Geobasisdaten und deren heutige Anwendung franziszeischer Kataster” by S. Fuhrmann
This is the contribution on historic core geodata and their modern application within franciscian cadasters by Susanne Fuhrmann presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. Susanne Furhmann 12-Apr-2012 Susanne Fuhrmann
The Digitalisation of Cadastral Maps in Hungary by C. Reisz
This is the contribution on digitization of cadastral maps in Hungary by C. Reisz presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010 Csaba Reisz T. 12-Apr-2012 Csaba Reisz T.
Exkursion der Becher-Gesellschaft nach Rastatt
Einladung zur Exkursion der Becher-Gesellschaft (Speyer) nach Rastatt hin (29.3. 2014), mit Besuch der Ausstellung Frieden in Europa – 300 Jahre Rastatter Frieden (1714) im Rahmen der Archive 2.1 Tagung. 04-Mar-2014
Flyer: Offene Archive?
Offene Archive? - Archive 2.0 im deutschen Sprachraum (und im europäischen Kontext) is a workshop co-organized by ICARUS, Stadtarchiv Speyer and Kreisarchiv Siegen-Wittgenstein. Date: 22.-23.11.2012 Venue: Speyer Stadtarchiv Speyer 16-May-2012 Stadtarchiv Speyer