Search results for 'Danish National Archives/feed/revision_log':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Programm Conference BAS Net OÖ LA
Programme for the final project presentaion of BAS Net in the Upper Austrian Archives, 13 06 2014 cziegler 23-May-2014
Lectures final Conference CrArc 14 05 14
Presentations and short biographies lectureres final conference of May Austrian State Archives cziegler 09-May-2014
Slovak folder of the final CrArc conference, 13 - 14 05 2014, Bratsilava Castle & Austrian State Archives cziegler 15-Apr-2014
German folder of the final CrArc conference, 13 - 14 05 2014, Bratsilava Castle & Austrian State Archives cziegler 15-Apr-2014
Folde 4 Workshop Crarc
Programmfolder, Workshop "Cross Border Archives", 7.11.2013, NÖLA cziegler 25-Oct-2013
"The medieval documents on the WEB: ICARUS, the ENArC Project and the Spanish Archives" Venue: Archivo Histórico Nacional Madrid Date: 12 June 2013 28-May-2013
archivum rhenanum
Programm INTERREG IV Oberrhein: Description on the project "Digital archives at the Upper Rhine" in German. 30-Jan-2013
ENArC – European Network on Archival Cooperation
Dr. Karl Heinz spoke at a Conference on "Technical and Field related Problems of Classical and Electronic Archiving: Supplementary Education in the Fields of Archivistics, Documentalistics and Informatics" on the 8th of April in Radenci (Slo). This is a recording of his speech "ENArC - European Network on Archival Cooperation. Ein Beispiel für nachhaltige Archivvernetzung in Europa", focusing on the role of our ENArC-Project as a a participant in the sustainable interlinking between European archives. Karl Heinz 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Archiv.Net Folder
Austrian Archives Portal Folder 17-Apr-2012
“Die Zugänglichkeit der Kataster in den Polnischen Staatsarchiven” by A. Warzecha
This is the contribution on the accessibility of the cadasters in the Polish State Archives by Aldona Warzecha presented at the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. A. Warzecha 12-Apr-2012 A. Warzecha