Search results for 'NAMPI Project/feed/revision_log':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Programme “El Franquismo 40 años después”
Programme for the course "El Franquismo cuarenta años después: justicia transicional, archivos y narrativas", organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES) within the co:op project on 18 November 2015. 08-Oct-2015
ICARUS4all “Bring your history” day
This is the detailed programme folder for the ICARUS4all "bring your history" day held at Geras Abbey (AT) on 19 September 2015 within the framework of the co:op project. ICARUS 15-Sep-2015 ICARUS
Timeschedule ICARUS-Meeting #16
This is the preliminary timeschedule for the ICARUS-Meeting #16 which will be held within the frameworks of the co:op project from 23-25 November 2105 at the Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt in St. Pölten (AT). ICARUS 15-Jul-2015 ICARUS
co:op press release
This is the press release of the co:op project after it´s kick-off meeting in Praha (Prague, CZ) from 27-29 April 2015 at Břevnovský klášter (Břevnov Archabbey). ICARUS 19-May-2015 ICARUS
St. Stephan in Umbruch
This is the press release to the FWF-Project "St. Stephan in Wien. Architektur der Schriftquellen". Dagmar Weidinger 13-Feb-2015 ICARUS
Men and Books exhibition poster
Men and Books project - final exhibition posters 10-Aug-2014
Bible českých evangelíků v ‚dlouhém‘ 19. Století
"The Czech Evangelical Bible in the “long” 19th century" - article by Zdenek Nespor (Men and Books project) Zdenek Nespor 10-Aug-2014
“Evaluating the Effect of Accelerated Aging, Fungi‑treatment and Ethylene Oxide Fumigation on Paper”
“Evaluating the Effect of Accelerated Aging, Fungi‑treatment and Ethylene Oxide Fumigation on Paper” article by Rene Eckhart (Men and Books project) René Eckhart 10-Aug-2014
“Books, Fungi and Men and their dislike of ethylene oxide – Final Report”
“Books, Fungi and Men and their dislike of ethylene oxide – Final Report” summary of micobiological research results of the Men and Books- project Katja Sterflinger, Jörg Ettenauer, Christian Voitl, Patricia Engel 10-Aug-2014
“Ethylene Oxide for Book Fumigation”
Ethylene Oxide for Book Fumigation - article by Patricia Engel (Men and Books project) Patricia Engel 10-Aug-2014