Search results for 'red.':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
“Moderne Plattform für Heimatkunde”, NÖN Klosterneuburg, 04/2016
article on the Topotheque of Kierling, NÖN Nr. 16 Klosterneuburg, 20.4.2016. red. 26-Apr-2016 ICARUS
“Ein Kreisky zum Jubiläum”, Bezirksblätter Herzogenburg und Traismauer, 4/2016
article on the Topotheque of Traismauer, Bezirksblätter Herzogenburg und Traismauer, April 20/21, 2016. red. 26-Apr-2016 ICARUS
“Pater rettete tausende Dokumente vor dem IS”, ICO Feb.2016
press text on Father Najeeb Michaeel's digitization projects in Iraq and the co-operation with the ICARUS-network fixed in St. Pölten in Nov. 2015; Information Christlicher Orient Nr. 61, Feb. 2016, author: KAP/red. ICO 04-Feb-2016 ICARUS