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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Agreement of Accession
This is the form "Agreement of Accesion" to join the ICARUS consortium. ICARUS 30-Jun-2014 ICARUS
Auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Identität
Programm for the (German) international conference, held at the University of Vienna on 16 - 17 September 2014. 26-Jun-2014
Recondita Armonia
This is the programme for the conference "Recondita Armonia - Music archives", held in Lucca (IT) from 27-28. June 2014. 26-Jun-2014
WWI: Reflections from behin the frontiers
This is the programme for the conference “WWI : Reflections from behind the frontlines”, organized by the Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Archivist Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croatian State Archives and the International Centre for Archival Research (ICARUS), held in Sarajevo on June 26-29th 2014. 26-Jun-2014
Rules of Reimbursement
These are the rules of reimbursment for receiving a Mobility Grant. ICARUS 15-Jun-2014 ICARUS
ICARUS4all constitution
This is the constitution on which the friends' association ICARUS4all is based on. ICARUS4all 14-Jun-2014 ICARUS4all
Lecture final conference memory without borders Zehetmayer
Lecture fromthe Lower Asutrian archives, 14th of May 2014 Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014
Lecture final conference memory without borders Günter Ofner
Lecture from Famila Austria, 14th ofMay 2014 Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014
Lecture final conference memory without borders Ragac
Lecture from Radoslav Ragac, 14th ofMay Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014