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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
ICARUS@work #14
This is the programme of the ICARS@work #14 conference held at the National Library of Bucharest (RO) on 06 May 2014 in cooperation with the National Archives of Romania. 06-May-2014
Call for Papers: WWI – Reflections from behind the frontlines
This is the Call for Papers for the international archival conference "WWI - Reflections from behind the frontlines" held from 26 - 29 June 2014 at Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina 25-Apr-2014 Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Excursion Altenburg – Krems an der Donau – Göttweig
This is the programme of the excursion which will be undertaken on 01 May 2014, after the Men and Books closing conference, held from 28.04. - 01.05.2014 at the Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt (AT). 22-Apr-2014
Invitation lecture by Priit Pirsko
This is the invitation to Priit Pirsko's (General Director of the National Archives of Estonia) lecture "Towards the digital archives: Summing up the first lessons", held on 13 May 2014 at the National Archives in Prague. Priit Pirsko 16-Apr-2014 Priit Pirsko
3 in 1 Preservation Box for Scrolls
This is the abstract to Claudia Benvestito and Paola Bottega's poster "3 in 1 Preservation Box for Scrolls" presented during the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms", held in St. Pölten from 28.05. to 01.05.2014. The authors' bio notes can be found in the document. Claudia Benvestito 16-Apr-2014 Claudia Benvestito
Slovak folder of the final CrArc conference, 13 - 14 05 2014, Bratsilava Castle & Austrian State Archives cziegler 15-Apr-2014
German folder of the final CrArc conference, 13 - 14 05 2014, Bratsilava Castle & Austrian State Archives cziegler 15-Apr-2014
Publication by Alfonso Sánchez Mairena (Cuerpo Facultaivo de Archiveros, Bibliotecarios y Arqueólogos, Área de Relaciones Insitucionales, Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Secretaría de Estado de Cultura, Subdirección General de los Archivos Estatales) on PARES - the Spanish Archives Portal. Abstract can be found in the document. Language: Spanish and English Alfonso Sánchez Mairena 08-Apr-2014 Alfonso Sánchez Mairena
The Conservation Problems in Eliza Orzeszkowa’s Artistic Herbarium as a New Research Direction
This is the abstract to Sylwia Popławska's, Izabela Zając's and Władysław Sobucki's poster "The Conservation Problems in Eliza Orzeszkowa’s Artistic Herbarium as a New Research Direction" presented during the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms", held in St. Pölten from 28.05. to 01.05.2014. Sylwia Popławska, Izabela Zając, Władysław Sobucki 05-Apr-2014 Sylwia Popławska, Izabela Zając, Władysław Sobucki