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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Lecture final conference memory without borders Zehetmayer
Lecture fromthe Lower Asutrian archives, 14th of May 2014 Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014
Lecture final conference memory without borders Günter Ofner
Lecture from Famila Austria, 14th ofMay 2014 Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014
Lecture final conference memory without borders Ragac
Lecture from Radoslav Ragac, 14th ofMay Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014
Final Conference Memory without borders lecture Topothek
Alexander Schatek, lecture about the Topothek, 13th of May 2014 Bratislava Castle cziegler 26-May-2014
Final Conference Memory without borders lecture City Archive Baden
Dr. Rudolf Maurer lecture about the City Archives in Baden, 13th of May 2014, Castle Bratislava cziegler 26-May-2014
Final Conference Memory without borders lecture Family Search
Lecture from Dietmar Cziesla, family search 13th of May 2014, castle Bratislava cziegler 26-May-2014
Programm Conference BAS Net OÖ LA
Programme for the final project presentaion of BAS Net in the Upper Austrian Archives, 13 06 2014 cziegler 23-May-2014
Abschließende Projektpräsentationen BAS NET
Programme for the final presentation of the project bas net cziegler 20-May-2014
Lectures final Conference CrArc 14 05 14
Presentations and short biographies lectureres final conference of May Austrian State Archives cziegler 09-May-2014