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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
ICARUS Newsletter #7
Newsletter #7 March - September 2013 ICARUS 10-Sep-2013 ICARUS
Resume Work Group WWI ICARUS Meeting#11
Minutes of the work group World War I at the ICARUS meeting in Dublin (25-26 June 2013) cziegler 26-Jun-2013
Agenda Didactics ICARUS-Meeting #11
This is the agenda for the DIdactics Work Group meeting at ICARUS-Meeting #11 in Dublin. 13-Jun-2013
WWI Agenda ICARUS-Meeting #11
This is the agenda for the World War I Work Group Meeting at the ICARUS-Meeting #11 in Dublin. 13-Jun-2013
International Archives Day 2013: Malta
Programm for activity by the National Archives of Malta. 05-Jun-2013
IÖG – Einladung Seminar 151
Invitation for the 151 seminar of the IÖG - lecture and book presentation "The beginnings of Pressburg/Bratislava" Juraj Šedivý cziegler 29-May-2013
"The medieval documents on the WEB: ICARUS, the ENArC Project and the Spanish Archives" Venue: Archivo Histórico Nacional Madrid Date: 12 June 2013 28-May-2013
Soccer Dublin: directions
Directions from Trinity College to Blackbrook College. 28-May-2013
Tagungsprogramm Bas Net_8_5_13
Programm zur 2. Tagung Projekt Bas Net im OÖ LA, 8.5.13 "Heimat - Region - Kultur" cziegler 12-Apr-2013