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Programmfolder 3. Tagung BAS Net
PDF Folder "Leben Sammeln, 13.11.2013 im Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg cziegler 25-Oct-2013
Agenda Didactics/Monasterium Work group
This is the agenda for the Didactics/Monasterium Work group meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #12 in Madrid. 24-Oct-2013
Agenda WWI Work group
This is the agenda for the World War I Work group meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #12 in Madrid. 24-Oct-2013
Agenda Work group Cadastral Maps
This is the agenda for the Cadastral Maps Work group meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #12 in Madrid. 24-Oct-2013
Minutes Didactics Work group
These are the minutes from our Didactics Work group meeting at our ICARUS-Meeting in Dublin. ICARUS 23-Oct-2013 ICARUS
Minutes WWI Work group meeting Dublin
These are the minutes from our World War I Work group meeting at our ICARUS-Meeting in Dublin. ICARUS 23-Oct-2013 ICARUS
ICARUS Annual Report 2012/2013
The annual report covering 2012 to mid 2013. 23-Oct-2013
ICARUS-Meeting #12: Programme
Programme for the ICARUS-Meeting #12 at the National Historic Archives Madrid. Date: 25. - 27. November 2013 ICARUS 03-Oct-2013 ICARUS
Programme of the closing conference of the “Men and Books” project
This is the detailed programme for the closing conference, held from 28.04. - 01.05.2014 at the Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt (AT). 03-Oct-2013