Search results for 'Katja Sterflinger, Jörg Ettenauer, Christian Voitl, Patricia Engel':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
The European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation
A presentation by Patricia Engel on the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation in Horn / AT. The recording was taken at the semi-annual ICARUS-Meeting June 2011 in Poznan / PL. Patricia Engel 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
“Dreiundert Jahre Familie”, Wiener Journal
Article von genealogy in the Friday insert of the Wiener Zeitung mentioning Matricula/ICARUS, author: Christian Hoffmann, date of publication: April 17, 2015 Christian Hoffmann 18-Apr-2015 ICARUS
“Conservator’s Aspects of the Project “Men and Books””
Conservator’s Aspects of the Project “Men and Books” - article by P. Engel (Men and Books project) Patricia Engel 10-Aug-2014
Pogramme Doppelkonferenz
Im Rahmen der Tagung "EN ROUTE TO A SHARED IDENTITY. New or unknown sources on the History and Cultural Heritage of Central Europe in the digital Age" findet am 15.2. abends die "Doppelkonferenz: Original und Digitalisat im Zeitalter des Medienwandels" statt. ReferentInnen: Patricia Engel, Georg Vogeler. 09-Feb-2016
St. Pölten wird Nabel der internationalen Archivwelt | Tagung 23.-25.11.2015
press release on ICARUS-meeting #16, taking place in St. Pölten between November 23 and November 25, 2015 Dagmar Weidinger 11-Nov-2015 ICARUS
Programme of the closing conference of the “Men and Books” project
This is the detailed programme for the closing conference, held from 28.04. - 01.05.2014 at the Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt (AT). 03-Oct-2013
“Topothek und Museum – einer Verbindung mit Zukunft”, Neues Museum, 06/2019
article on the Topotheque project, special focus on international achievements during the co:op project (Hungary, Finlan) and comig partnerships with Lower Austria's "Haus der Geschichte", author: Dagmar Weidinger Dagmar Weidinger 10-May-2019 ICARUS
Men and Books – Kick-off Meeting group foto
Kick-off meeting in Horn/AT May 2012 Julius Engel 04-Jul-2012