Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Rules of Reimbursement co:op
Rules for reimbursing expenses enquired within the EU-funded project "co:op" 07-Feb-2019
In Grenzen unbegrenzt. Passauer Bistumsgeschichte und die digitale Welt
Programme 7-8 February 2019 at Spectrum Kirche in Passau (DE) 04-Feb-2019
Programme 5th Croatian ICARUS Days and ICARUS Convention #23
Programme for the 5th Croatian ICARUS Days and ICARUS Convention #23. Date: 27-29 March 2019 Venue: Pula (HR) 24-Jan-2019
ICARUS statistics
This file presents the results from an online survey conducted within the ICARUS network. The aim was to collect information on who has what kind of experience in digitization, who attracts lots of users or who has most used online services etc in order to facilitate possible cooperation projects and offer a pool for quick information overview within the ICARUS network. 07-Dec-2018
Topotheque Digital Platform – Local History, Common Story
Presentation of the Topotheque within the event "Topotheque Digital Platform - Local History, Common Story" on 30 November 2018 in Osijek (HR). 29-Nov-2018
Digital Editions of Medieval Documents: the Project Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale
Programme for the workshop "Digital Editions of Medieval Documents: the Project Diplomatarium Serbicum Digitale" held within the co:op project on 28 November 2018 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Serbia. 29-Nov-2018
“Archivnetzwerk ICARUS feierte zehnjähriges Bestehen”, Kirche bunt
article in the church magazine "Kirche bunt", St. Pölten, 48/2018. author: Sonja Planitzer Sonja Planitzer 23-Nov-2018 ICARUS
CfP: 5th Croatian ICARUS Days & ICARUS Convention #23
Call for papers for the 5th Croatian ICARUS Days & ICARUS Convention #23 which will take place in Pula (HR) from 27-29 March 2019. 13-Nov-2018
“Der Aufbruch in die Welt der Zeitreisen”, DIE FURCHE 45, 2018
article in the Austrian weekly DIE FURCHE dealing with the 10th anniversary of ICARUS and the time machine project, ed. 45/Nov. 8, 2018, author: Martin Tauss. Martin Tauss 12-Nov-2018 ICARUS
“Eine völlig neue Art des Arbeitens”
interview with digital humanist Georg Vogeler, Wiener Zeitung. 18.1.2018 Dagmar Weidinger 29-Oct-2018 Dagmar Weidinger