Document Summary Author Date Copyright
“Ein Kreisky zum Jubiläum”, Bezirksblätter Herzogenburg und Traismauer, 4/2016
article on the Topotheque of Traismauer, Bezirksblätter Herzogenburg und Traismauer, April 20/21, 2016. red. 26-Apr-2016 ICARUS
“Jubel über 1.500 Einträge”, NÖN Herzogenburg, 04/2016
article on the Topotheque of Traismauer; NÖN Region Herzogenburg (Herzogenburger NÖN) Nr. 16/19. 4. 2016. Günther Schwab 26-Apr-2016 ICARUS
The Archival Military System in the Community of Madrid
The Seminar "The Archival Military System in the Community of Madrid" aims to raise awareness towards the panorama of military archives that are based in the Community of Madrid. To that end, it will be introduced with a lecture on the Archival Military System with respect to the Spanish State. Then there will be two round tables; one focused about central and general archives, and the other historical archives. Organized within co:op by the University Complutense de Madrid on 04 May 2016. UCM 26-Apr-2016 UCM
PM_Freedom for information | OpenGLAM, OÖLA, May 2, 2016
press release on the event "Freedom for information | OpenGLAM" in the OÖLA on May 2, 2016. Dagmar Weidinger 18-Apr-2016 ICARUS
SWR Interview Aigner 11 April 2016
SWR interview with Thomas Aigner on "Zwischen Ländern – in den Köpfen: Welche Grenzen brauchen wir? " (Between Countries - Inside Heads: What kind of Border do we need") aired on 11 April 2016. (in German) SWR 12-Apr-2016 SWR
“Das 7. Weltwunder”, Kurier Freizeit, March 26, 2016
Kurier article on the "Prater" in Vienna, celbrating its 250th anniversary showing lots of photographs from the Prater Topotheque, freizeit Kurier, Magazin 1373, March 26, 2016 Eva Gogala 04-Apr-2016 ICARUs
press release “Land NÖ sichert private Geschichtsquellen”
Topotheque kick-off event in St. Pölten, April 12, 2016 Dagmar Weidinger 30-Mar-2016 ICARUS
Invitation “Topothek wird Landesprojekt”
Kick-off event 12 April 2016 at the Lower Austrian State Library in St. Pölten (AT) of the topotheques becoming a Lower Austria regional project. 16-Mar-2016
“Du wirst uns noch umbringen mit deinen Texten”, Universum Magazin 3/2016
text on Father Najeeb Michaeel's CNMO in Iraq, his scanning activities and the ICARUS-conference in St. Pölten in November 2016, which lead to the founding of the "Chaldean Heritage Task Force", author: Sabine Edith Braun Sabine Edith Braun 10-Mar-2016 ICARUS
Najeeb “Universium”
Story on Father Najeeb Michaeel's story and cooperation with ICARUS published in the Austrian popular science magazine "Universium" by Sabine Edith Braun. Sabine Edith Braun 06-Mar-2016 Sabine Edith Braun