Search results for 'Danish National Archives/feed/revision_log':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Archival cooperation and community building in the Digital Age
This is the general programme for the international conference "Archival cooperation and community building in the Digital Age" held from 27 - 29 April 2015 at Brevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ). ICARUS 14-Jan-2015 ICARUS
Forschungsprojekt zur automatisierten Handschriftenerkennung soll Zugang zu historischen Archivdokumenten revolutionieren
Presse release for the first international convention of the EU-funded project "co:op" in cooperation with the project "READ". Title of the convetion "Technology meets Scholarship, or how Handwritten Text Recognition will Revolutionize Access to Archival Collections. With a special focus on biographical data in archives", 19-21 January 2016 at the Hessian State Archives in Marburg (DE). 14-Jan-2016
WWI: Reflections from behin the frontiers
This is the programme for the conference “WWI : Reflections from behind the frontlines”, organized by the Archives of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Archivist Society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Croatian State Archives and the International Centre for Archival Research (ICARUS), held in Sarajevo on June 26-29th 2014. 26-Jun-2014
Lecture final conference memory without borders Zehetmayer
Lecture fromthe Lower Asutrian archives, 14th of May 2014 Austrian State Archives cziegler 26-May-2014
ICARUS-Lecture #3
This episode of the ICARUS Podcast is a lecture given by Sébastien Barret and Dominique Stutzmann of the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, IRHT / FR on the new possibilities for archives and cultural heritage institutions in the digital age. The recording was taken on the occasion of the publication of Archives on the Web — Experiences, challenges, visions, our latest book. Sébastien Barret / Dominique Stutzmann 17-Apr-2012 ICARUS
Cadastral Maps Work Group – Conference, Budapest (HU), 17.-18. June 2010
This is the programme from the initial conference „Cadastral Maps in Central Europe”, Budapest (HU), 17th -18th June 2010. Budapest City Archives/ICARUS 12-Apr-2012 Budapest City Archives/ICARUS
Cadastral Maps Work Group – Activity Proposal 2011/2012
This is the proposal for the activities of Cadastral Maps Network in 2011/2012. Budapest City Archives/ICARUS 12-Apr-2012 Budapest City Archives/ICARUS
Cadastral Maps Work Group – Meeting Poznań 06.06.2011
Agenda of the Cadastral Maps Work Group meeting in Poznań on 26. June 2011. Budapest City Archives/ICARUS 12-Apr-2012 Budapest City Archives/ICARUS
Cadastral Maps Work Group – Meeting Marburg 22.11.2011
Agenda of the Cadastral Maps Work Group meeting in Marburg on 22. November 2011. Budapest City Archives/ICARUS 12-Apr-2012 Budapest City Archives/ICARUS
Programme “Genealogy PLUS”
Programme for the "Bring your history"-day organized within the EU-funded project "co:op" by the Hessian State Archives in Marbug (DE) from 24-25 November 2016. 02-Nov-2016