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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
The conservation of the 10th century Georgian manuscript
This is the abstract to Darejan Gogasvili's poster "The conservation of the 10th century Georgian manuscript" presented during the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms", held in St. Pölten from 28.05. to 01.05.2014. Darejan Gogasvili (Georgian National Museum, GE) 04-Apr-2014 Darejan Gogasvili (Georgian National Museum, GE)
Kate Theimer: The future of archives is participatory
Invitation to Kate Theimer's lecture "The future of archives is participatory" at the Národní archiv in Prague on 08 APril 2014. 21-Mar-2014
Darejan Gogashvili: The conservation of the 10th century Georgian manuscript
This is a short synopsis of the poster presentation given at the conference "Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganism" from 28.04.-01.05.2014 in St. Pölten. Darejan Gogashvili 17-Mar-2014 Darejan Gogashvili
Diözesane Auszeichnung für Archivare
Hippolytorden in Gold an Archivare des Landes Niederösterreich und der Diözese Passau. 16-Mar-2014
ICARUS Meeting #13 programme
This is the schedule/programme for our ICARUS Meeting #13, hosted by the Danish National Archives in Copenhagen from 16-18 June 2014. 11-Mar-2014
CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference „Archives of Religious Communities in Croatia – Practical Experiences and Perspectives“
Thematic areas: • the evaluation of the archival holdings of the religious communities • the role of public archival service in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities • the implementation of professional standards in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities • European experiences regarding the management and preservation of the archival holdings of the religious communities 04-Mar-2014
Exkursion der Becher-Gesellschaft nach Rastatt
Einladung zur Exkursion der Becher-Gesellschaft (Speyer) nach Rastatt hin (29.3. 2014), mit Besuch der Ausstellung Frieden in Europa – 300 Jahre Rastatter Frieden (1714) im Rahmen der Archive 2.1 Tagung. 04-Mar-2014
Verluste, Zahlen statt Spekulationen: drei Fälle von quantifizierbaren Urkundenverlusten in der Sanktgaller Überlieferung des Spätmittelalters
Der Beitrag "Verluste, Zahlen statt Spekulationen: drei Fälle von quantifizierbaren Urkundenverlusten in der Sanktgaller Überlieferung des Spätmittelalters" von Stefan SONDEREGGER ist im elektronischen Sonderdruck Archiv für Diplomatik - Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 2013 erschienen. Stefan Sonderegger 20-Jan-2014
Report Monasterium Didactics Workgroup Madrid
This is a report from the Monasterium Didactics workshop which was held during the ICARUS-Meeting #13 in Madrid. 17-Dec-2013