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Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Report Monasterium Didactics Workgroup Madrid
This is a report from the Monasterium Didactics workshop which was held during the ICARUS-Meeting #13 in Madrid. 17-Dec-2013
Minutes World War I Workgroup Madrid
These are the minutes from the WWI Workgroup meeting held at the ICARUS-Meeting #13 in Madrid. 17-Dec-2013
Minutes Meeting of the Board Madrid
These are the minutes from the Meeting of the Board held at the ICARUS-Meeting #13 in Madrid on 25 November 2013. ICARUS 17-Dec-2013 ICARUS
Programme “BAS-Net Halbjahrestagung”
Event-programme of BAS Net "Quellen und Erschließung", 16.12.13, Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg cziegler 16-Dec-2013
Programme National historiography and archival sources on WWI@SNS
This is the programme for the first lecture of the series of lectures on "National historiography and archival sources on WWI" held at the SNS in Pisa (IT) on 12 December 2013. SNS 09-Dec-2013 SNS
Urkundendigitalisierung und Mittelalterforschung
A collection of essays by various authors on the impact of digitisation of medieval charters on Medieval History. Created after a Workshop in Marburg, Germany. Irmgard Fees (Publ.) 04-Dec-2013
Digitale Medien – internetgestützte Forschung – Web 2.0
Programme and abstracts (in German) for the International Round Table from 12 - 13 December 2013 in Krems (AT). Title of the event: "Digitale Medien - internetgestützte Forschung - Web 2.0; Herausforderungen und Potenziale für die Kulturwissenschaften 29-Nov-2013
Archiv für Diplomatik – Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde
Koch, Walter/Kölzer, Theo [Hrsg,], Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, Böhlau Verlag Köln, Weimar, Wien, 2013 Various 28-Nov-2013 Böhlau Verlag
Country Manager Meeting: Programme
This is the programme for the APE Country Manager Meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #12 in Madrid from 25 - 26 November 2013. 20-Nov-2013