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Document | Summary | Author | Date | Copyright |
Hippolytorden in Gold an Archivare des Landes Niederösterreich und der Diözese Passau. | 16-Mar-2014 | |||
This is the schedule/programme for our ICARUS Meeting #13, hosted by the Danish National Archives in Copenhagen from 16-18 June 2014. | 11-Mar-2014 | |||
Thematic areas: • the evaluation of the archival holdings of the religious communities • the role of public archival service in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities • the implementation of professional standards in the preservation and dissemination of the archival holdings of the religious communities • European experiences regarding the management and preservation of the archival holdings of the religious communities | 04-Mar-2014 | |||
Einladung zur Exkursion der Becher-Gesellschaft (Speyer) nach Rastatt hin (29.3. 2014), mit Besuch der Ausstellung Frieden in Europa – 300 Jahre Rastatter Frieden (1714) im Rahmen der Archive 2.1 Tagung. | 04-Mar-2014 | |||
Der Beitrag "Verluste, Zahlen statt Spekulationen: drei Fälle von quantifizierbaren Urkundenverlusten in der Sanktgaller Überlieferung des Spätmittelalters" von Stefan SONDEREGGER ist im elektronischen Sonderdruck Archiv für Diplomatik - Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde 2013 erschienen. | Stefan Sonderegger | 20-Jan-2014 | ||
This is a report from the Monasterium Didactics workshop which was held during the ICARUS-Meeting #13 in Madrid. | 17-Dec-2013 | |||
These are the minutes from the WWI Workgroup meeting held at the ICARUS-Meeting #13 in Madrid. | 17-Dec-2013 | |||
These are the minutes from the Meeting of the Board held at the ICARUS-Meeting #13 in Madrid on 25 November 2013. | ICARUS | 17-Dec-2013 | ICARUS | |
Event-programme of BAS Net "Quellen und Erschließung", 16.12.13, Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg | cziegler | 16-Dec-2013 |