Document type

What kind of a publication a document is. Could be a marketing folder, an unpublished or published article or for example a press photo.

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Urkundendigitalisierung und Mittelalterforschung
A collection of essays by various authors on the impact of digitisation of medieval charters on Medieval History. Created after a Workshop in Marburg, Germany. Irmgard Fees (Publ.) 04-Dec-2013
Digitale Medien – internetgestützte Forschung – Web 2.0
Programme and abstracts (in German) for the International Round Table from 12 - 13 December 2013 in Krems (AT). Title of the event: "Digitale Medien - internetgestützte Forschung - Web 2.0; Herausforderungen und Potenziale für die Kulturwissenschaften 29-Nov-2013
Les chartes médiévales enluminées dans les pays d´Europe Centrale
Roland, Martin/Zajic Andreas, Les chartes médiévales enluminées dans les pays d´Europe Centrale, 2013 Roland, Martin/Zajic Andrea 28-Nov-2013 Roland, Martin/Zajic Andrea
Archiv für Diplomatik – Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde
Koch, Walter/Kölzer, Theo [Hrsg,], Archiv für Diplomatik, Schriftgeschichte, Siegel- und Wappenkunde, Böhlau Verlag Köln, Weimar, Wien, 2013 Various 28-Nov-2013 Böhlau Verlag
Country Manager Meeting: Programme
This is the programme for the APE Country Manager Meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #12 in Madrid from 25 - 26 November 2013. 20-Nov-2013
Folde 4 Workshop Crarc
Programmfolder, Workshop "Cross Border Archives", 7.11.2013, NÖLA cziegler 25-Oct-2013
Programmfolder 3. Tagung BAS Net
PDF Folder "Leben Sammeln, 13.11.2013 im Archiv der Erzdiözese Salzburg cziegler 25-Oct-2013
Agenda Didactics/Monasterium Work group
This is the agenda for the Didactics/Monasterium Work group meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #12 in Madrid. 24-Oct-2013
Agenda WWI Work group
This is the agenda for the World War I Work group meeting within the ICARUS-Meeting #12 in Madrid. 24-Oct-2013