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Document | Summary | Author | Date | Copyright |
Programm for activity by the National Archives of Malta. | 05-Jun-2013 | |||
Invitation for the 151 seminar of the IÖG - lecture and book presentation "The beginnings of Pressburg/Bratislava" Juraj Šedivý | cziegler | 29-May-2013 | ||
"The medieval documents on the WEB: ICARUS, the ENArC Project and the Spanish Archives" Venue: Archivo Histórico Nacional Madrid Date: 12 June 2013 | 28-May-2013 | |||
This is the preliminary programme for the ICARUS-Meeting #11 to be held at Trinity College in Dublin (IE) from 25-26 June 2013. | 22-Apr-2013 | |||
Programm zur 2. Tagung Projekt Bas Net im OÖ LA, 8.5.13 "Heimat - Region - Kultur" | cziegler | 12-Apr-2013 | ||
Programme for the conference within the frameworks of the EU project "Ziel 3 Tschechische Republik - Freistaat Sachsen 2007-2013. Venue: CHEB/EGER "Papírna" Date: 27-29 May 2013 | 10-Apr-2013 | |||
Mundos medievales : espacios, sociedades y poder : homenaje al profesor José Ángel García de Cortázar y Ruiz de Aguirre 1 editores, Beatriz Arízaga Bolumburu ... [ et al.].-Santander : PUbliCan, Ediciones de la Universidad de Cantabria, D.L. 2012. “Methodological Proposals for the study of Medieval Cartularies” (University of Cantabria, 2012). Topic: reflexion from the Spanish scholar perspective on the main European lines of rechearching. Lanuage: Spanish Abstract: English. | Alfonso Sánchez Mairena | 05-Apr-2013 | Alfonso Sánchez Mairena | |
Magisterarbeit von Mag. phil. Alexandra Wieser zum erfolgreichen Abschluss des Magisterstudiums Geschichtswissenschaft, hist. Hilfswissenschaft und Archivwissenschaft. | Mag. phil. Alexandra Wieser | 26-Feb-2013 | Mag. phil. Alexandra Wieser | |
Newsletter from February 2013. | 21-Feb-2013 |