Document Summary Author Date Copyright
DASP Publikationsliste Oktober 2012
Liste der lieferbaren Publikationen im DASP Caroline Maximoff 02-Oct-2012
Call for Paper: Horn II – Conference -From Microorganisms to Mega-organisms
The European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration is organizing the conference “Horn II - Conference -From Microorganisms to Mega-organisms” on April 23-25, 2014 at the Kunsthaus in Horn (AT). The call for papers is explicitly meant to address conservators AND ARCHIVISTS as well as librarians and other professionals feeling responsible for the care of the written and graphic cultural heritage. 01-Oct-2012
ICARUS-Meeting #10 – Programme
This is the programme to the ICARUS-Meeting #10 at the Slovak National Archives from November 19-21, 2012. 20-Sep-2012
Österreichs Archive in Europa: Programmfolder SK
Tagungsprogramm WS CrArc 17.&18.10.2012, slowakische Version cziegler 20-Sep-2012
Programm: Österreichs Archive in Europa
Tagungsprogramm dt 20-Sep-2012
Österreichs Archive in Europa: Programmfolder
Programmfolder zur Tagung vom 17.-19. Oktober 2012 im Österreichischen Staatsarchiv. ICARUS 19-Sep-2012 – Evolution of a Project
Very brief presentation on the technical history of the monasterium project. Presented at the DiPP 2012 in Veliko Tarnov 2012 Daniel Jeller 19-Sep-2012 ICARUS
Digitalization issues from archive’s perspective: experiences, trends and prospects
This is the essay on ARIHNET and ICARUS that Vlatka Lemić will present at the Conferinţa Arhive, istorie şi politică în România secolelor XIX-XXI on September 21, 2012 in Bucharest. Vlatka Lemić 18-Sep-2012 Vlatka Lemić
Programme: Conferinţa Arhive, istorie şi politică în România secolelor XIX-XXI
Venue: Bucharest (RO) Date: September 20-21, 2012. The programme is in Romanian. 18-Sep-2012
Los archivos diocesanos: nuevos retos ante la era virtual – Programme
Programme to the conference from December 11-12, 2012 (in Spanish) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Archivo Histórico Diocesano de Madrid. 18-Sep-2012