Search results for 'ICARUS/Dagmar Weidinger/feed/revision_log':

Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Press release “10 Jahre MATRICULA”, Festveranstaltung 2.11.2019, St.Pölten
press release for Austrian media Dagmar Weidinger 22-Oct-2019 ICARUS
PA Time Machine_Deutsch_März 2019
press release on "Time Machine"-project; translation of EU-press release + text concerning Austria Dagmar Weidinger 06-Mar-2019 ICARUS
“Die Topothek und ihre Bedeutung für die Museumslandschaft in Österreich”, Neues Museum, 03/2017
article in the magazine of the Austrian Museumsbund on the Topotheque focussing on the aspect of voluntary work within the project. Dagmar Weidinger 16-Mar-2017 ICARUS
press release: “100 Archive auf einen Blick”, January 11, 2017
press release on the occasion of the 100th topotheque in Großengersdorf in Lower Austria. Dagmar Weidinger 11-Jan-2017 ICARUS
PM_Freedom for information | OpenGLAM, OÖLA, May 2, 2016
press release on the event "Freedom for information | OpenGLAM" in the OÖLA on May 2, 2016. Dagmar Weidinger 18-Apr-2016 ICARUS
press release “Land NÖ sichert private Geschichtsquellen”
Topotheque kick-off event in St. Pölten, April 12, 2016 Dagmar Weidinger 30-Mar-2016 ICARUS
St. Pölten wird Nabel der internationalen Archivwelt | Tagung 23.-25.11.2015
press release on ICARUS-meeting #16, taking place in St. Pölten between November 23 and November 25, 2015 Dagmar Weidinger 11-Nov-2015 ICARUS
PM_ICARUS4all Spätsommerfest in Stift Geras
press release concerning the ICARUS4all late summer party at Stift Geras on September 19, 2015. Dagmar Weidinger 04-Sep-2015 ICARUS
ICARUS4all: Fotos Exkursion 18. Mai 2015 Brünn
pictures of the first ICARUS4all excursion to the moravian state archives in Brno, 18 05 2015 cziegler 20-May-2015 ICARUS, Dagmar Weidinger
Press release Conference Prague, April 2015
This press release invites journalists to join the international conference “Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age”, taking place in Břevnov Abbey/Prague between April 27 and April 29, 2015. ICARUS/Dagmar Weidinger 19-Mar-2015 ICARUS