Document Summary Author Date Copyright
Timeschedule ICARUS-Meeting #16
This is the preliminary timeschedule for the ICARUS-Meeting #16 which will be held within the frameworks of the co:op project from 23-25 November 2105 at the Bildungshaus St. Hippolyt in St. Pölten (AT). ICARUS 15-Jul-2015 ICARUS
“Ein Facebook des Mittelalters” and “Crowdsourcing: Die Masse macht’s möglich”, Heureka 315 (Falter supplement), July 2015
Two articles dealing with the conference "Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age" in Prague/April 2015, thematic focuses: the Venice time machine project (Frédéric Kaplan), co:op, crowdsourcing amongst laypeople; author: Sabine Edith Braun, date of publicaton: July 1, 2015 Sabine Edith Braun 01-Jul-2015 ICARUS
“ICARUS: Katalysator für die Digitalisierung in Archiven”, Computergenealogie. Magazin für Familienforschung, 02/2015
Article after the conference "Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age" in Prague/April 2015. Günter Junkers 18-Jun-2015 ICARUS
“Die Bevölkerung erforscht ihre Geschichte”, die Presse, May 23, 2015
Article after the conference "Archival Cooperation and Community Building in the Digital Age" in Prague/April 2015 focusing on the topotheque and co:op; including statements by Thomas Aigner, Francesco Roberg, Kathrin Sammer and Adelheid Krah, date of publication: May 23, 2015, author: Sonja Burger. Sonja Burger 01-Jun-2015 ICARUS
Topothek Logo
Small version of the Topothek Logo. 27-May-2015
Monasterium Logo
Small png version of the Monasterium logo 27-May-2015
ICARUS4all Logo
Small png version of the ICARUS4all logo. 27-May-2015
“Urkunden im Netz lesen”: Katholische Sonntagszeitung Augsburg, May 2/3, 2015
Article on Robert Reiter scanning the documents of the episcopal archive at Hafnerberg mentioninig Monasterium and ICARUS, date of publication: May 2/3, 2015, author: Andreas Alt Andreas Alt 20-May-2015 ICARUS
ICARUS4all: Fotos Exkursion 18. Mai 2015 Brünn
pictures of the first ICARUS4all excursion to the moravian state archives in Brno, 18 05 2015 cziegler 20-May-2015 ICARUS, Dagmar Weidinger
co:op press release
This is the press release of the co:op project after it´s kick-off meeting in Praha (Prague, CZ) from 27-29 April 2015 at Břevnovský klášter (Břevnov Archabbey). ICARUS 19-May-2015 ICARUS